Dinco D and Charlie Brown from Leaders Of The New School are back making music together under the name NEW SCHOOL INC. Make sure to keep your eyes open for the project when they drop it. And make sure you check them out here rhyming…
shabaam sahdeeq

Shabaam Sahdeeq introduces the Keepers Of The Lost Art album on Below System
Shabaam Sahdeeq discusses his latest project, Keepers Of The Lost Art, and his current writing process after many years of recording songs. The album reflects preservation of the elements on hip hop; emceeing, graffiti, b-boying, and DJing. Features include DJ Spinna, Nick Wiz, Domingo, and…
Shabaam Sahdeeq & The Incomparable Shakespeare | Freestyle
Emcees Shabaam Sahdeeq and The Incomparable Shakespeare have both gained popularity in the 90s alongside many of their Brooklyn-bred peers. Check out the two freestyling back-and-forth on Hip Hop Nation’s Rap Is Outta Control.